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Small homestead, huge intentions.

We are the Rowe family: a loving, adventurous family of four. Before that, when it was just a "family of two", we (Cassie and Kyle) read a book called The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan. It changed the way we thought about food, and it opened our eyes to permaculture (developing permanent agriculture) and to growing food (plants and animals) in a respectful way. Passion ignited in our hearts and we knew right away we would be doing it ourselves one day.


Our beliefs are simple. All things deserve love and to be respected. We want to build the soil; increase plant, fungal, and animal diversity; and foster community with others. We are living joyfully, continuously learning, eager to share our knowledge, and excited to make healthy, delicious food available at an affordable price to everyone.


As a "family of almost 4", we bought our first home on 3 acres in 2016. We wanted a name that meant something special to us. When our oldest was three, she used to use the phrase "too much" to describe something that was, indeed, too much; and "three many" when something exceeded the "too much" threshold. Anyway, while building our perimeter fence one day, it just came to us. Three Many Acres. We had three acres so it worked, and we decided that it would still hold true if we added more land in the future (which we did about 6 months later). Cheers to that!


Three Many Acres is a 7-acre farm nestled in beautiful Knoxville, TN. We wish to be full-time homesteaders, but Kyle still works a full-time job and Cassie stays home with two young kids. Though we are small, we have a big dream: to leave the Earth a better place than we found it; to grow foods that are healthy both for our bodies and the land where it's cultivated and raised; and to make food like this affordable for everyone.

In achieving these goals, we promise to maintain our standards: when feed is utilized, it will be organic; we don't use pesticides; we don't treat our animals with antibiotics or other poisons (medications are given when absolutely necessary, as our animals work but are also considered family members; however, if medications are given, products from that animal are not used for the requisite time and we will not sell meat from an animal that has ever received antibiotics); and we will treat ALL living things (plants, animals, insects, microbes, humans) with respect.

Thank you for visiting our website and for being patient with us while we create this space. Feel free to contact us with any questions!


We aren't Certified Organic. That label is overused and, at times, misused. It's also expensive (resulting in higher cost to the customer). We are feeding organic feeds though, and we don't use pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. We utilize deep-litter bedding systems to make compost to nourish the soil. We rotate our animals to fresh pastures to mimic the ways of nature and to let the earth rest and regenerate. We name, give attention to, and love all our critters and plants. That's the reason we are doing what we do: we wind up with food and a life that feeds our bodies and our souls.

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